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2 posters



    Numri i postimeve : 453
    Mosha : 34
    Vendi : macedonia --shkup
    Data e rregjistrimit : 20/11/2007


    Mesazh nga maca 1/12/2007, 12:02

    lindi mė 27 shtator 1984 in Belleville, Ontario Te Kanadasė si Avril Ramona Lavigne. Ėshtė njė rock dhe pop kėngėtare, kitariste dhe kėngė shkruese kanadeze, qė edhe te disa kėnga tė veta si producente punon. Ajo ka shituar mbi 26 milion albume nė tė gjithė botėn.

    Albumi debut i Lavigne, Let Go, ishte lėshuar nė vitin 2002. Albumi i dytė dhe i treti, Under My Skin (2004) dhe The Best Damn Thing (2007), respektivisht, arriti numrin e parė nė Billboard 200. Lavigne ka inēizua 3 numėr njė kėnga nė tė gjithė botėn deri sot dhe total 9 top dhjetė hite, pėrfshin "Complicated," "Sk8er Boi," "I'm With You," "Don't Tell Me," "My Happy Ending," Keep Holding On", dhe "Girlfriend."
    AVRIL LAVIGNE Avrilgfdl

    Numri i postimeve : 453
    Mosha : 34
    Vendi : macedonia --shkup
    Data e rregjistrimit : 20/11/2007


    Mesazh nga maca 1/12/2007, 12:04

    AVRIL LAVIGNE 1179412356_avrillavigne

    Numri i postimeve : 453
    Mosha : 34
    Vendi : macedonia --shkup
    Data e rregjistrimit : 20/11/2007


    Mesazh nga maca 1/12/2007, 12:08

    Avril Ramona Lavigne
    Avie, Av
    27 Shtator1984 (23 vjeēar(e))
    kėngė shkruese
    Vite aktiv
    2002 —
    Bashkėpunim(e) me

    Numri i postimeve : 453
    Mosha : 34
    Vendi : macedonia --shkup
    Data e rregjistrimit : 20/11/2007


    Mesazh nga maca 1/12/2007, 12:14

    AVRIL LAVIGNE Avril-lavigne1Cmimet MTV, Shpallen fituesit e 2007, triumfon Avril Lavigne me 2 cmime

    Jane shpallur ne Mynih fituesit e cmimeve MTV te muzikes ne Europe. Ne kete eveniment ka dominuar kengetarja kanadeze Avril Lavinj, e cila ka fituar dy cmimet kryesore. 23 vjecarja ka sfiduar ne kete gare fituesin e cmimeve MTV 2006, Xhastin Timberlejk i cili eshte larguar me duar bosh, pa asnje trofe muzikor. Lavinj ka fituar cmimin per pjesen muzikore me te mire ‘Girlfriend’ dhe cmimin si kengetarja me e mire solo per 2007. Nderkohe kanadezja tjeter, Neli Furtado ka fituar cmimin “Albumi i Vitit”, pasi ka arritur te shese deri tani 7 milione kopje te albumit Loose. Gjithsej 50 milione vota u hodhen per keto cmime nga e gjithe Europa.
    Sipas MTV, kjo eshte hera e pare qe publiku vendos per cmimet kryesore. Ky eveniment u prezantua nge reperi amerikan Snup Dog, i cili u shfaq me disa Kostume interesante gjate gjithe nates festive.
    U vleresuan gjithashtu edhe kengetaret qe kane mjaft probleme ne jeten personale per shkak te perdorimit te droges, si britaniket: Pit Doherti apo Emi Uajnhaus. Kjo e fundit madje harroi disa fjale te kenges se saj por kjo nuk e pengoi qe te merrte nje cmim dhe duartokitje nga fansat e saj te shumte.

    Numri i postimeve : 453
    Mosha : 34
    Vendi : macedonia --shkup
    Data e rregjistrimit : 20/11/2007


    Mesazh nga maca 1/12/2007, 12:16

    AVRIL LAVIGNE Normal_avril_lavigne7Njė kombinim i njė vajzė tė egėr dhe njė talente e rrallė e muzikės. Refuzon ti emiton tė tjerėt. Dėshiron t’i kėndoj vetėm kėngėt e saja dhe qė dalin nga zemra e saj.
    Sė bashku me nėnėn, babanė, motrėn dhe vėllaun ishin rritur nė atė qytezė. Kur ajo ishte vetėm 2 vjet kishte lėn pėrshtypje me zėrin dhe personalitetin e saj. Nė klasė ajo ishte lazdrajke dhe kishte dėshirė qė gjithmonė tė jetė nė qendėr tė vėmendjes. Nė vend tė detyrave tė shtėpisė Avril-it i pėlqente tė shkruan tektse kėngėsh qė dilnin nga ndjenjat e saja.
    Si fėmijė gjithmonė kishte kėnduar nė krevatin e saj. Pastaj kishte kėnduar nė korin e kishės dhe nė disa festivale. Nė moshėn 16 vjeēare mori vendim qė tė shkoj nė New York tė SHBA-ve pėr tė fituar mė shumė famė.

    Producenti Antonio ‘LA’ Reid e pa talentin e saj dhe u kujdes qė ajo nė moshėn 16 vjeēare tė nėnshkruj njė kontratė me njė produksion muzikor. Ajo shpejt fillon tė punoj nė CD e parė. Edhe pas shumė mundi ajo kishte dėshtuar pėr shkak se produksioni ishte kujdesur vetė pėr tekstet e kėngėve, derisa Avril Lavignes i pėlqente qė ato vetė t,i shkruante. ‘Njerėzit me tė cilėt kam bashkėpunuar ishin shumė tė talentuar, por kėngėt nuk kishin fare tė bėnin me personalitetin tim’ pohoi Avril.
    Let Go
    Pastaj ajo u shpėrngul nga New Yorku dhe u vendos nė Los Angeles, ku ajo kontaktoi Clif Magness. Ai mė kupton se ēka unė dėshiroj dhe mė lejon ti bėj gjėrat nė mėnyrėn time’, pohoi Avril. Nė produksionin The matrixx ishte incizuar albumi i saj i parė ‘Let Go’.
    Avril ėshtė shumė e kėnaqur me kėtė album. Kėnga e saj e quajtur ‘Complicated’ ishte bėrė njė hit botėror. Kishte tė bėnte me njerėzit qė ishin falls dhe pėr lidhjet e dashurisė qė dukeshin se nuk janė tė vėrteta. Tė gjitha kėngėt e Avrilit lindin nga ndjenjat e saja. Ajo refuzon tė bėjė atė ēfarė produksionet e sugjerojnė tė bėjė.

    Numri i postimeve : 453
    Mosha : 34
    Vendi : macedonia --shkup
    Data e rregjistrimit : 20/11/2007


    Mesazh nga maca 1/12/2007, 16:33

    Albumi i par "LET GO"(2002)permban 13 kėng:

    AVRIL LAVIGNE 200px-Avril_Lavigne_Let_Go

    "Losing Grip"
    Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby
    Right now I feel invisible to you, like I'm not real
    Didn't you feel me lock my arms around you
    Why'd you turn away?
    Here's what I have to say I was left to cry there,
    waiting outside there grinning with a lost stare
    That's when I decided
    Why should I care
    Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone
    You, you need to listen I'm starting to trip,
    I'm losing my grip and I'm in this thing alone
    Am I just some chick you place beside you to take somebody's place
    when you turn around can you recognize my face you used to love me,
    you used to hug me
    But that wasn't the case
    Everything wasn't ok I was left to cry there
    waiting outside there grinning with a lost stare
    That's when I decided
    Crying out loud I'm crying out loud
    Crying out loud I'm crying out loud
    Open your eyes
    Open up wide
    Why should I care
    Cuz you weren't there
    when I was scared I was so alone Why should I care
    Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone
    Why should I care
    If you don't care then I don't care were not going newhere
    Why should I care cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone
    Why should I care If you don't care then i don't care were not going newhere

    Uh huh, life's like this
    Uh huh, uh huh, that's the way it is
    Cause life's like this
    Uh huh, uh huh that's the way it is
    Chill out whatcha yelling' for?
    Lay back it's all been done before
    And if you could only let it be
    you will see
    I like you the way you are
    When we're drivin' in your car
    and you're talking to me one on one but you've become
    Somebody else round everyone else
    You're watching your back like you can't relax
    You're tryin' to be cool you look like a fool to me
    Tell me
    Why you have to go and make things so complicated?
    I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated
    Life's like this you
    And you fall and you crawl and you break
    and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty
    and promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it
    no no no
    You come over unannounced
    dressed up like you're somethin' else
    where you are and where it's at you see
    you're making me
    laugh out when you strike your pose
    take off all your preppy clothes
    you know you're not fooling anyone
    when you've become

    Numri i postimeve : 453
    Mosha : 34
    Vendi : macedonia --shkup
    Data e rregjistrimit : 20/11/2007


    Mesazh nga maca 1/12/2007, 16:34

    "Sk8er Boi"

    He was a boy
    She was a girl
    Can I make it anymore obvious?
    He was a punk.
    And she did ballet.
    What morea can I say?
    He wanted her.
    She'd never tell.
    Secretely she wanted him as well.
    And all of her friends
    Stuck up their nose.
    And they had a problem with his baggy clothes.
    He was a sk8er boi she said see ya later boi.
    He wasn't good enough for her.
    She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.
    She needed to come back down to earth.
    Five years from now she sits at home feeding the baby she's all alone.
    She turns on TV and guess who she sees.
    Sk8er boi rocking up MTV.
    She calls up her friends.
    They already know
    And they've all got tickets to see his show.
    She tags along, stands in the crowd . Looks up at the man that she turned down.
    He was a sk8er boi she said see ya later boi. He wasn't good enough for her.
    Now he's a superstar slammin on his guitar to show pretty face what he's worth.
    Sorry girl but you missed out. Well tough luck that boi's mine now. We are more than just good friends. This is how the story ends. Too
    bad that you couldn't see.. see the man that boi could be. There is more than meets the eye, I see the soul that is inside.
    He's just a boi, and I'm just a girl.
    Can I make it anymore obvious?
    We are in love.
    Haven't you heard how we rock eachother's world?
    I met the sk8er boi I said see ya later boi.
    I'll be backstage after the show.
    I'll be at the studio singing the song he wrote about a girl he use to know.
    I met the sk8er boi I said see ya later boi.
    I'll be backstage after the show.
    I'll be at the studio singing the song he wrote about a girl he use to know.

    I'm With You
    I'm standing on the bridge
    I'm waiting in the dark
    I thought that you'd be here by now
    There's nothing but the rain
    No footsteps on the ground
    I'm listening but there's no sound

    Isn't anyone tryin’ to find me?
    Won't somebody come take me home?

    It's a damn cold night!
    Trying to figure out this life
    Won't you take me by the hand
    Take me somewhere new
    I don't know who you are
    But I... I'm with you
    I'm with you


    I'm looking for a place
    I'm searching for a face
    Is anybody here I know?
    'Cause nothing's going right
    And everything’s a mess
    And no one likes to be alone

    Isn't anyone tryin’ to find me?
    Won't somebody come take me home?



    Why is everything so confusing?
    Maybe I'm just out of my mind
    Yeah.. yeah.. yeah!..yeah.. yeah,
    yeah.. yeah, yeah yeah,YEAH...
    It's a damn cold night
    Trying to figure out this life
    Won't you take me by the hand
    Take me somewhere new
    I don't know who you are
    But I....!
    I'm with YOU...
    I'm with YOU...
    Take me by the hand
    Take me somewhere new
    I don't know who you are
    But I!

    I'm with you...
    I'm with you...

    Take me by the hand
    Take me somewhere new
    I don't know who you are
    But I
    I'm with you
    I'm with you

    I'm with you

    Went back home again
    This sucks, gotta pack up and leave again
    Say goodbye to all my friends
    Can't say when I'll be there again
    Its time now, I turn around
    Turn my back on everything
    Turn my back on everything

    Everything's changing when I turn around
    All out of my control
    I'm a mobile
    Everything's changing everywhere i go
    All out of my control
    I'm a mobile

    Start back at this life
    Stretch myself back into the vibe
    I'm waking up to say I've tried
    Instead of waking up to another TV Guide
    Its time now, I turn around
    Turn and walk on this crazy ground

    Everything's changing when I turn around
    All out of my control
    I'm a mobile
    Everything's changing everywhere i go
    All out of my control
    I'm a mobile

    Everywhere i go, I'm a mobile

    Hanging from the ceiling
    Life's a mobile
    Spinning 'round with mixed feelings
    Crazy and wild
    Sometimes I wanna scream out loud

    Everything's changing everywhere I go
    All out of my control
    Everything's changing everywhere I go
    Out of what I know
    La la la la la la la la la

    Everything's changing when I turn around
    All out of my control
    I'm a mobile
    Everything's changing out of what I know
    Everywhere I go
    I'm a mobile

    Everywhere I go
    I'm a mobile

    All they did was walk over
    Start off by shaking your hands
    That's how it went
    I had a smile on my face and I sat up straight
    Oh, yeah, yeah
    I wanted to know you
    I wanted to show you

    You don't know me
    Don't ignore me
    You don't want me there
    You just shut me out
    You don't know me
    Don't ignore me
    If you had your way
    You'd just shut me up
    Make me go away

    No, I just don't understand why
    you won't talk to me
    It hurts that I'm so unwanted for nothing
    Don't talk words against me
    I wanted to know you
    I wanted to show you


    I tried to belong
    It didn't seem wrong
    My head aches
    Its been so long
    Ill write this song
    if That's what it takes

    And I wanna believe you,
    When you tell me that it'll be ok,
    Ya I try to believe you,
    But I don't

    When you say that it's gonna be,
    It always turns out to be a different way,
    I try to believe you,
    Not today, today, today, today, today...


    I don't know how I'll feel,
    tomorrow, tomorrow,
    I don't know what to say,
    tomorrow, tomorrow
    Is a different day

    It's always been up to you,
    It's turning around,
    It's up to me,
    I'm gonna do what I have to do,
    just don't

    Gimme a little time,
    Leave me alone a little while,
    Maybe it's not too late,
    not today, today, today, today, today...


    I don't know how to feel,
    tomorrow, tomorrow,
    I don't know what to say,
    tomorrow, tomorrow
    Is a different day

    And I know I'm not ready,
    Maybe tomorrow

    And I wanna believe you,
    When you tell me that it'll be ok,
    Ya I try to believe you,
    Not today, today, today, today, today...

    Anything But Ordinary
    Sometimes I get so weird
    I even freak myself out
    I laugh myself to sleep
    It's my lullaby
    Sometimes I drive so fast
    Just to feel the danger
    I wanna scream
    It makes me feel alive

    Is it enough to love?
    Is it enough to breathe?
    Somebody rip my heart out
    And leave me here to bleed
    Is it enough to die?
    Somebody save my life
    I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

    To walk within the lines
    Would make my life so boring
    I want to know that I
    Have been to the extreme
    So knock me off my feet
    Come on now give it to me
    Anything to make me feel alive

    Is it enough to love?
    Is it enough to breath?
    Somebody rip my heart out
    And leave me here to bleed
    Is it enough to die?
    Somebody save my life
    I'd rather be anything but ordinary please
    I'd rather be anything but ordinary please.

    Let down your defences
    Use no common sense
    If you look you will see
    that this world is this beautiful
    accident turbulent succulent
    opulent permanent no way
    I wanna taste it
    Dont wanna waste it away

    Sometimes I get so weird
    I even freak myself out
    I laugh my self to sleep
    It's my lullaby

    Is it enough?
    Is it enough?

    Is it enough to breath?
    Somebody rip my heart out
    And leave me here to bleed
    Is it enough to die?
    Somebody save my life
    I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

    Is it enough?
    Is it enough to die?
    Somebody save my life
    I'd rather be anything but ordinary please
    I'd rather be anything but ordinary please

    My World

    Please tell me what is takin' place,
    Cuz I can't seem to find a trace,
    Guess it must have got away somehow,
    Probably cuz I always forget,
    Everytime someone tells me their name,
    It's always gotta be the same.
    (In my World)
    Never wore cover-up,
    Always beat the boys up,
    Grew up in a five thousand population town,
    Made my money by cutting grass,
    Got fired by fried chicken ass,
    All in a small town, Napanee.

    You know I always stay up without sleepin',
    And think to myself,
    Where do I belong forever,
    In whose arms, the time and place?

    Can't help if I space in a daze,
    My eyes turn out the other way,
    I may switch off and go in a daydream,
    In this head my thoughts are deep,
    but sometimes I can't even speak,
    would someone be and not pretend? I'm off again in my World

    I never spend less than an hour,
    Washin' my hair in the shower,
    It always takes five hours to make it straight,
    So I'll braid it in a zillion braids,
    Though it may take all frickin' day,
    There's nothin' else better to do anyway.

    When you're all alone in the lands of forever,
    Lay under the milky way,
    On and on it's getting too late out,
    I'm not in love this time this night.

    Can't help if I space in a daze,
    My eyes turn out the other way,
    I may switch off and go in a daydream,
    In this head my thoughts are deep,
    But sometimes I can't even speak,
    Would someone be and not pretend? I'm off again in my World

    (la la la la)

    Take some time,
    Mellow out,
    Party it up,
    But don't fall down,
    Don't get caught,
    Sneak out of the house.

    Can't help if I space in a daze,
    My eyes turn out the other way,
    I may switch off and go in a daydream,
    In this head my thoughts are deep,
    But sometimes I can't even speak,
    would someone be and not pretend? I'm off again in my World

    Can't help if I space in a daze,
    My eyes turn out the other way,
    I may switch off and go in a daydream,
    In this head my thoughts are deep,
    would someone be and not pretend? I'm off again in my World

    Nobody's Fool

    Fall back
    Take a look at me
    And you'll see I'm for real
    I feel what only I can feel
    And if that don't appeal to you
    Let me know
    And I'll go
    'Cuz I flow
    Better when my colors show
    And that's the way it has to be
    'Cuz creativity could never bloom
    In my room
    I'd throw it all away before I lie
    So don't call me with a compromise
    Hang up the phone
    I've got a backbone stronger than yours
    La la la la la la
    La la la la la la la
    La la la la la la

    If you're trying to turn me into someone else
    Its easy to see I'm not down with that
    I'm not nobody's fool
    If you're trying to turn me into something else
    I've seen enough and I'm over that
    I'm not nobody's fool
    If you wanna bring me down
    Go ahead and try
    Go ahead and try

    Don't know
    You think you know me like yourself
    But I fear
    That you're only telling me what I wanna hear
    But do you give a damn
    That I can't not be what I am
    I'm not the milk and cheerios in your spoon
    Its not a simple here we go, not so soon
    I might've fallen for that when I was fourteen
    And a little more green
    But its amazing what a couple of years can mean
    La la la la la la
    La la la la la la la
    La la la la la la


    Go ahead and try
    Try and look me in the eye
    But you'll never see inside
    Until you realize, realize

    Things are trying to settle down
    Just try to figure out
    Exactly what I'm about
    If its with or without you
    I don't need your doubt in me

    Too Much To Ask
    Its the first time I ever felt this lonely
    I wish someone could cure this pain
    Its funny when you think its gonna work out
    Til you chose weed over me, you're so lame
    I thought you were cool until the point
    But up until the point you didnt call me
    When you said you would
    I finally figured out youre all the same
    Always coming up with some kind of story

    Everytime I try to make you smile
    You're always feeling sorry for yourself
    Everytime I try to make you laugh
    You can't you're too tough
    You think you're loveless
    Is it too much that I'm asking for?

    I thought you'd come around when I ignored you
    Sorta thought you'd have the decency to change
    But babe, I guess you didn't take that warning
    'Cause I'm not about to look at your face again

    Can't you see that you lie to yourself
    You can't see the world through a mirror
    It wont be too late when the smoke clears
    'Cause I, I am still here

    But everytime I try to make you smile
    You'd always grow up feeling sorry for yourself
    Everytime I try to make you laugh
    You stand like a stone
    Alone in your zone
    Is it too much that I'm asking for?

    Yeah yeah yeah yeah
    Can't find where i am
    Lying here
    Alone I fear
    Afraid of the dark
    No one to claim
    Alone again

    Can't you see that you lie to yourself
    You can't see the world through a mirror
    It wont be too late when the smoke clears
    'Cause I, I am still here

    Everytime I try to make you smile
    You're always feeling sorry for yourself
    Everytime I try to make you laugh
    You can't you're too tough
    You think you're loveless
    It was too much that I asked him for

    I wake up in the morning, put on my face
    the one that's gonna get me, through another day
    doesn't really matter, how I feel inside
    this life is like a game sometimes

    but then you came around me, the walls just disappeared
    nothing to surround me, and keep me from my fears
    I'm unprotected, see how I've opened up
    oh, you've made me trust

    cause I've never felt like this before
    I'm naked, around you, does it show?
    you see right through me, and I can't hide
    I'm naked, around you
    and it feels so right

    I'm tyring to remember, why I was afraid
    to be myself and let the, covers fall away
    I guess I never had someone like you, to help me fit
    in my skin

    I never felt like this before
    I'm naked, around you
    does it show?
    you see right through me, and I can't hide
    I'm naked, around you
    And it feels so right

    I'm naked
    oh oh yeah
    does it show?
    yeah, I'm naked
    oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
    I'm naked around you
    does it show?

    I'm so naked around you
    and I can't hide
    your gonna, your gonna see right through
    (see right through me and I can't hide)
    your gonna see right through
    oh yeah yeah

    I'm so naked around you
    and I can't hide
    you're gonna see right through, baby

    Things I'll Never Say

    I’m talking out my hair
    I’m pulling at my clothes
    I’m trying to keep my cool
    I know it shows
    I’m staring at my feet
    My checks are turning red
    I’m searching for the words inside my head

    (Cause) I’m feeling nervous
    Trying to be so perfect
    Cause I know you’re worth it
    You’re worth it

    If I could say what I want to say
    I’d say what about you
    Be with you every night
    Am I squeezing you too tight
    If I could say what I want to see
    I want to see you go down
    On one knee
    Marry me today
    Yes, I’m wishing my life away
    With these things I’ll never say

    It don’t do me any good
    It’s just a waste of time
    What use is it to you
    What’s on my mind
    If ain’t coming out
    We’re not going anywhere
    So why can’t I just tell you that I care

    (Cause) I’m feeling nervous
    Trying to be so perfect
    Cause I know you’re worth it
    You’re worth it

    If I could say what I want to say
    I’d say what about you
    Be with you every night
    Am I squeezing you too tight
    If I could say what I want to see
    I want to see you go down
    On one knee
    Marry me today
    Yes, I’m wishing my life away
    With these things I’ll never say

    What’s wrong with my tongue
    These words keep slipping away
    I stutter, I stumble off
    Like I’ve got nothing to say

    (Cause) I’m feeling nervous
    Trying to be so perfect
    Cause I know you’re worth it
    You’re worth it

    Yes I’m wishing my life away with these things I’ll never say
    If I could say what I want to say
    I’d say what about you
    Be with you every night
    Am I squeezing you too tight
    If I could say what I want to see
    I want to see you go down
    On one knee
    Marry me today
    Yes, I’m wishing my life away
    With these things I’ll never say
    These things I’ll never say

    Numri i postimeve : 453
    Mosha : 34
    Vendi : macedonia --shkup
    Data e rregjistrimit : 20/11/2007


    Mesazh nga maca 1/12/2007, 16:39

    albumi : "Under My Skin" (2004) permban 13 kėng:

    Take Me Away

    I cannot find a way to describe it
    It's there inside; all I do is hide
    I wish that it would just go away
    What would you do, you do, if you knew
    What would you do

    All the pain I thought I knew
    All my thoughts lead back to you
    Back to what was never said
    Back and forth inside my head
    I can't handle this confusion
    I'm unable; come and take me away

    I feel like I am all alone
    All by myself I need to get around this
    My words are cold, I don't want them to hurt you
    If I show you, I don't think you'd understand
    Cause no one understands


    I'm going nowhere (on and on and)
    I'm getting nowhere (on and on and on)
    Take me away
    I'm going nowhere (on and off and off and on)
    (and off and on)


    Take me away
    Take me away
    Take me away
    Take me away
    Anėtar Nderi
    Anėtar Nderi

    Numri i postimeve : 4051
    Data e rregjistrimit : 29/05/2007


    Mesazh nga MiLaN 2/12/2007, 16:52


    Numri i postimeve : 453
    Mosha : 34
    Vendi : macedonia --shkup
    Data e rregjistrimit : 20/11/2007


    Mesazh nga maca 2/12/2007, 19:41

    uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kinez me mbyte krejt veq ke ndegju ndonjiher kengen ""my happy ending:" nese e ke ndegju qmendon esht teper teperrrrrrrrr e bukur
    Anėtar Nderi
    Anėtar Nderi

    Numri i postimeve : 4051
    Data e rregjistrimit : 29/05/2007


    Mesazh nga MiLaN 2/12/2007, 19:50

    Anėtar Nderi
    Anėtar Nderi

    Numri i postimeve : 4051
    Data e rregjistrimit : 29/05/2007


    Mesazh nga MiLaN 2/12/2007, 19:56


    Numri i postimeve : 453
    Mosha : 34
    Vendi : macedonia --shkup
    Data e rregjistrimit : 20/11/2007


    Mesazh nga maca 3/12/2007, 22:35

    e poooooooooo
    Anėtar Nderi
    Anėtar Nderi

    Numri i postimeve : 4051
    Data e rregjistrimit : 29/05/2007


    Mesazh nga MiLaN 11/12/2007, 20:25

    ku je o maca se ke hum krejt

    Numri i postimeve : 453
    Mosha : 34
    Vendi : macedonia --shkup
    Data e rregjistrimit : 20/11/2007


    Mesazh nga maca 27/12/2007, 10:19

    erdha kinez erdha
    se ju mungova ndonjerit :S:S:S Sad
    Anėtar Nderi
    Anėtar Nderi

    Numri i postimeve : 4051
    Data e rregjistrimit : 29/05/2007


    Mesazh nga MiLaN 31/12/2007, 17:35

    po edhe na mungon maca Sad
    po me sa shoh nuk ke ardh akoma :)
    nejse GEZUAR per shume vjet VITIN E RI 2008 MACA :puc:
    kuss kuss

    Numri i postimeve : 453
    Mosha : 34
    Vendi : macedonia --shkup
    Data e rregjistrimit : 20/11/2007


    Mesazh nga maca 4/1/2008, 12:38

    flm flm kina edhe ti unrime vitin e ri dhe shuuuum shuuum fat ne jet :ui:
    Anėtar Nderi
    Anėtar Nderi

    Numri i postimeve : 4051
    Data e rregjistrimit : 29/05/2007


    Mesazh nga MiLaN 4/1/2008, 18:54


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      Ora ėshtė 9/9/2024, 18:56